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  • Is aerial sling the same as aerial yoga?
    While both aerial sling and aerial yoga use the same fabric, they are not the same thing! Aerial yoga is still a yoga class -- the fabric is simply used as a prop. It is largely ground-based, where you are either standing, lying, or sitting on the floor with another part of your body supported in the fabric. Aerial sling, on the other hand, is air-based, which means the goal is to be in the air! These classes draw on elements of dance and acrobatics to teach you poses, wraps, and sequences, which do not intentionally incorporate any principles of yoga. Copper Canopy Aerial teaches aerial sling, not aerial yoga.
  • I have no upper body strength! Can I still try aerial sling?
    Yes! You will get strong by practicing aerial sling, but it is definitely not a prerequisite to get started. Aerial sling is so fun that it's easy to forget what an incredible workout you're getting. Come as you are, and you will be amazed at what you can achieve.
  • Is aerial sling safe?
    Aerial sling is both beautiful and challenging, but there is always risk involved in any aerial activity. Our studio's TOP PRIORITY is student safety, and we take measures to ensure risk is as minimized as possible. Copper Canopy Aerial uses equipment purchased from Vertical Art Dance that undergoes regular safety inspections. Students will always have an 8-inch crash mat underneath them when they are on the sling, and our pulley system allows the sling to be as close to the ground as needed for what is being taught. The pulley also serves as a lower-out system, which allows your instructor to safely lower you down while you are in the air, if needed. Copper Canopy Aerial also utilizes one rigging point, which means there is only one student in the sling at a time. You won't ever need to worry that you won't be able to get your instructor's attention or feel unsure if the wrap you put on is correct -- because we'll have our eyes on you the whole time! We recognize that we may not offer the same energy as a class with multiple rigging points, but we're proud of the attention we're able to give to each student. Your instructor started out as an adult beginner in aerial sling and is uniquely qualified to guide you through all the new sensations and trepidations you may also experience, and she has a keen eye for the common mistakes a beginner aerialist is apt to make. At the start of every class, you will be guided through a thorough warm-up, and your class will be taught with personalized skill progressions, which will allow you to safely build the strength, stamina, coordination, and body awareness needed to advance to more complex poses and sequences. But there is never any rush! Your class will go at your own pace, and you will work only on skills that YOUR body is ready for. And please remember, YOU are your best advocate. If you are ever feeling physically or emotionally unwell, or if you are uncomfortable with anything presented to you in class, let us know immediately so that we can kindly address the situation and any concerns you may have.
  • Is there a weight limit?
    Nope! Our equipment is purchased from Vertical Art Dance and is rated for several thousand pounds!
  • Do you offer classes for kids?
    At this time, our classes are for students that are 18 years and older. We have found that there are few opportunities for adults to engage in creative, playful movement, so we are excited to prioritize adults-only classes for this very reason.
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